HotInterconnects 9

Stanford, CA                                                 22 – 24 August 2001

To register, faxor mail this form to the address at the right.                                                                                                       IEEE ComputerSociety

Payment must be received before 1 August 2001.                                                                                                                   HotI 9Registration

Registration forms without payment will not be processed,                                                                                                                          Dept. 6006

and you must re-register onsite withpayment.  For questions                                                                                             Washington,DC  20042-6006

please call:  +1-202-371-0101 (Sorry, no phoneregistrations.)                                                                                                       Fax+1-202-728-0884



qMr.qMs q­Dr. qProf.         Last/Family Name                                                             FirstName                                               MI         


Organization Type:   qUniversity/College  qComputer Industry  qGovernmentLaboratory  qMilitary  qGovernment Agency  qNon‑ProfitCorporation  qNon-Profit ResearchCenter  qIndependent Consulting  qPrivate Research Center  qK-12 School qOther



DaytimePhone:                                                       Fax:                                                     E-mail:                                                                            

Do not include my name and information on:                 qthe attendee list              q a mailing list.

Membership                  q IEEE                                                                    q IEEE ComputerSociety                                                            

Number(s)                       qFull-time Student    (Students mustpresent verification onsite at the registration desk).

Please adviseus if you have any special needs:                                                                                                                                                     


Conferenceregistration includes admission to the technical sessions, continentalbreakfast, refreshment breaks, reception, and one copy of the conferenceproceedings.  Admission to the tutorialsis not included and requires an additional fee (see below). 


(on or before 1 August)

q Member    $250 USD



(after 1 August)

q Member     $300 USD

q Nonmember   $325 USD


q Nonmember   $375 USD

q Full-time student   $125 USD   


q Full-time student   $150 USD

TutorialRegistration  (Tutorials are on 24 August)

Fees are per tutorial andinclude admission to the tutorials, continental breakfast, lunch, refreshmentbreaks, and one copy of the corresponding tutorial notes.


(on or before 1 August)

q Member   $100 USD



(after 1 August)

q Member   $120 USD


q Nonmember   $125 USD


q Nonmember   $150 USD


Morning Tutorials

q T1 – MPLS for Traffic Engineering

q T2 – InfiniBand Architecture

Afternoon Tutorials

q T3 – Bluetooth Vs. 802.11

q T4 – Control/Mgmt of Modern Optical Networks

Payment                                                (NOTE:Advance fees only apply to payments received on or before 1 August 2001.)

WIRE TRANSFERS andUniversity or Company check requests should be initiated by your officeimmediately.  Payment should bereceived by 1 August or you may be required to provide credit cardinformation onsite and to pay late fees before attending the conference.  Wire transfers are not consideredpaid until payment is received by our bank.

Please make checkspayable to: IEEE Computer Society. All checks must be in US DOLLARS drawn on US BANKS.  Credit card charges will appear on statementas "IEEE Computer Society - Registration."  Cancellations must be in writing and received before 8 August2001.   Cancellations are subject toa $50 processing fee.  Substitutions areallowed at anytime. 

METHOD OF PAYMENT (please select one):                              Total Enclosed/Authorized:                                             

qPersonal Check                               q Company Check             q U.S. GovernmentPurchase Order

q MasterCard             ­­­­                       q Visa                                   qAmericanExpress                            q Diners Club         

Credit Card/Check Number:                                                                                                                                Exp.Date:                             


Cardholder Name:                                                                                                Signature: