
Final Program




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Call For Contributions 

Wednesday, August 16

All information on the advance program is subject to change. 

8:30 - 8:45  Opening Remarks 

Mark Laubach, General Chair
James Yee, Manu Thapar, Program Chairs

8:45 - 10:00  Keynote speech

Dave Farber, Chief Technologist, Federal Communications Commission 

10:00 - 10:15  BREAK

10:15 - 12:15  Session 1:  Routing and Switching Technologies

Session Chair: Guru Parulkar, Cisco Systems

1.1 "A Delay Model for Router Micro-architectures", L. Peh and W. Dally, Stanford University. proceedings pdf (84K)

1.2 "A Terabit Switch Fabric with Integrated High-Speed CMOS Transceivers", W. Wang, K. Yang, and T. Lin, HotRail, Inc. proceedings pdf (36K)

1.3 "Reduced Complexity Input Buffer Switches", K. Kar and L. Tassiulas, Univ. of Maryland; T. V. Lakshman and D. Stiliadis, Lucent proceedings pdf (108K)

1.4 "A Terabit Multi-Service Switch With Quality Of Service Support", K. Yun, Yuni Network/AMCC proceedings pdf (576K)

12:15 - 1:45  LUNCH

1:45 - 2:45  Afternoon Keynote speech

Dan Gillmor, Technology Columnist, San Jose Mercury News

2:45 - 3:45  Session 2: Optical Interconnect

Session Chair: Anujan Varma, UCSC

2.1 "High-Speed Network Switch RHiNET-2/SW and its Implementation with Optical Interconnections", S. Nishimura, K. Harasawa, N. Matsudaira and S. Akutsu, Hitachi; T. Kudoh, H. Nishi and J. Yamamoto Tsukuba Research Center; K. Tasyo, Synergetech; H. Amano, Keio University proceedings pdf (412K)

2.2 "Low-cost WDM Transceiver Technology for 10-Gigabit Ethernet and Beyond", B. Lemoff, L. Buckman, A. Schmit, and D. Dolfi, Agilent Laboratories proceedings pdf (1.3M)

3:45 - 4:00  BREAK

4:00 - 5:30   Session 3: Cluster Interconnects

Session Chair: Daniel Pitt, Nortel Networks

3.1 "CLARA: A CLuster based Active Router Architecture", G. Welling, M. Ott, and S. Mathur, NEC USA proceedings pdf (404K)

3.2 "Tree-Saturation Control in the AC 3 Velocity Cluster Interconnect", W. Vogel and D. Lifka, Cornell U.; D. Follett, GigaNet; J. Hsieh, Dell; D. Stern, Intel proceedings pdf

3.3 "A Cluster Interconnect with Independent Transmission Channels", H. Eberle, Sun Microsystems Laboratories proceedings pdf (1.2M)

5:30 - 7:00  DINNER

7:00 - 8:30  PANEL: What's the Future of Broadband Wireless?

Moderator: Robert J. Berger, UltraDevices, Inc.

Dewayne Hendricks, Founder/CEO, The Dandin Group
Arogyaswami Paulraj, CTO, Gigabitwireless
Ralph Petroff, CEO, Time Domain
Greg Raleigh, Senior Director, Cisco Systems
Hatim Zaghloul, Senior Director, WiLAN 

For more information mail info@hoti.org

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