Hot Interconnects 7


Advance Program

Thursday, August 19

All information on the advance program is subject to change. 

8:30 - 9:30  Keynote speech, "Convergence Processing: Where Computing and Communication Collide"

Larry Weber, Sun Microelectronics

9:30 - 9:50 COFFEE BREAK

9:50 - 11:30  Session 4: Optical Networks

Session Chair: Joseph W Goodman, Stanford University
4.1 "Wavelength-Division Multiplexing for High-Capacity Optical Interconnection," Alan E. Willner and Bogdan Hoanca,University of Southern California

4.2 "High-Speed Optical Interconnects,"
David Dolfi, Kirk Giboney, Brian Lemoff, Lisa Buckman, Joe Straznicky, Al Yuen, and Ken Wu, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

4.3 "3.3V CMOS Pre-Equalization Circuit for VCSEL Transmitters in Gigabit Multimode Fiber Links,"
Matt Bruensteiner, Goerge Papen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 
John Poulton, Stephen Tell and Robert Palmer,University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kirk Giboney, David Dolfi and Scott Corzine Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

4.4 "A Scalable All-Optical Crossbar Network Using Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Tunable Verical-Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers," [foils here] Brian Webb and Ahmed Louri, University of Arizona

11:30 - 11:40 BREAK

11:40 - 12:30 Session 5:  System Interconnect Technologies

Session Chair: Anujan Varma, University of California, Santa Cruz
5.1 "Future I/O," [foils here]
David Garcia, Compaq

5.2 "Insights into the IEEE 1394 Serial Bus Protocol obtained with a Novel Traffic Analyzer,"[foils here] Dan Steinberg, Yitzhak Birk
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

12:30 - 1:40  LUNCH

1:40 - 2:20 Session 6:  Circuit-Level Design of Interconnects

Session Chair: Lampros Kalampoukas, Bell Labs
6.1 "A Data-Integrating Phase Aligner for High-Speed CMOS I/O," Uri Segal, Necdet Uzun,New Jersey Institute of Technology

6.2 "A Skew-Tolerant Wave-Pipelined Router on FPGA," [foils here] Bong Wan Kim, Hyun Jin Choi, Kwang Il Park, Jong Hyuk Choi, and Kyu Ho Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

2:20 - 2:40 COFFEE BREAK

2:40 - 3:40 Invited Presentation, "Funding the Optical Future," 

Kevin Compton, Kliner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers

3:40 - 4:00 BREAK

4:00  - 5:00  Session 7: Network Architecture

Session Chair: James Yee, Com21
7.1 "A Fiber Optic Local Area Network Demonstrator,"
A. Au, B. Supmonchai, T. H. Szymanski, McGill University

7.2 "Open Programmable Architecture for Java-Enabled Network Devices," [foils here] Tal Lavian , Nortel Networks 

7.3    "Residential Voice LANs," [foils here] Paiman Nodoushani,  Maxcomm Technologies

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