Registration Call For Contributions |
Call For Contributions (Reference)Hot Interconnects is an international symposium focusing on the hardware and software architecture and implementation of high-performance interconnects of all scales. The theme of this yearís conference will be on the cross-cutting issues spanning computer systems and networking technologies for providing universal services over packet networks. Example topics include network-attached storage, transport of voice and video over packet networks, high-performance network interfaces, novel switching and routing technologies capable of providing differentiated services, plug-and-play network interfaces, and active network architectures. The conference is directed particularly at new and exciting product and technology innovations in these areas. Contributions should focus on real products, prototypes, or experimental systems and their performance evaluation. In addition to those subscribing to the main theme of the conference, contributions are also solicited in the following topics:
Contributions must be in the form of an extended summary that should not exceed 5 pages. The summary should have sufficient technical detail to judge its quality and suitability for presentation at the conference. All summaries must be submitted electronically in ASCII, PostScript, or PDF format, and e-mailed to: The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2000, but has been extended to March 27th, 2000. Authors of accepted contributions will be notified by April 15, 2000. Authors of all accepted contributions will be expected to make presentations at the conference. If you are intending to submit a contribution, please check the website for any late breaking submission guideline changes prior to transmitting your contribution. Program Co-Chairs: Conference General Chair: For more information mail Return to Home |
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