
TRACK 2: Tutorial 2 (Half
Day - morning)
Resilient Network Infrastructures for Global Grid Computing
Luca Valcarenghi
ABSTRACT:Grid Computing is defined by Ian Foster and Steve Tuecke as
the "coordinated resource sharing and problem solving
in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations." The
transport network infrastructure represents one of the main
resources to be shared. Emerging high capacity intelligent
grid transport network infrastructures, such optical transport
networks based on Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching
(GMPLS) and Automatically Switched
Optical Networks (ASON)/Automatically Switched Transport Networks
(ASTN), are fostering the expansion of grid computing from
Local Area Networks (LAN) (i.e., cluster grid) to Wide Area
Networks (WAN) (i.e., global grid). Indeed they are able to
guarantee the required Quality of Service (QoS) to heterogeneous
grid applications that share the same grid network infrastructure.
This tutorial addresses one particular aspect of the grid transport
network QoS: resilience, i.e. the ability of overcoming failures.
In particular it gives an overview of the current efforts for
guaranteeing grid application resilience in spite of different
types of failures, such as network infrastructure failures
or computer crashes. Finally it shows that by by tailoring
the utilized recovery scheme to the type of failure occurred
it is possible to optimize the failure recovery process.
Tutorial Outline:
- Grid Computing Overview
+ Grid Computing Building Blocks
+ Open Grid Service Architecture
+ Open Grid Service Infrastructure
+ Grid Network Services
+ From Local to Global Grid Computing
+ QoS Support for Global Grid Computing
- Resilient Network Infrastructures
+ Resilience as a QoS parameter
+ Resilience in Intelligent Network Infrastructures
+ IP/MPLS Layer Resilience
+ Optical (WDM) Layer Resilience
+ Multilayer Network Resilience
+ GMPLS Resilience
- Combining Grid Network Services with Network Infrastructure Resilience
+ Resilience Requirements
+ Grid Based Resilience
+ Integrated Global Grid Computing Resilience
+ Comparing GMPLS Based Resilience with OSPF Based Resilience
* Mixed Integer Programming formulation
+ Comparing Path Restoration and Service Migration for Link failure Recovery
Luca Valcarenghi holds a Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering (1997)
from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering (1999),
a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Telecommunications (2001) both from the University
of Texas at Dallas (UTD). In January 2002 he was appointed as Research Associate
of the Optical Networking Advanced Research (OpNeAR) Lab of the University of
Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School of EE/CS. He is currently Assistant Professor
at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of University Studies and Doctoral Research
of Pisa, Italy. Dr. Valcarenghi co-authored more
than a dozen papers published in international journals and presented in leading
international conferences. He is member of the IEEE and has been part of the
Organizing Committee and Technical Program Committee of international conferences
such as OptiComm2000 and Optical Networking and Systems Symposium at IEEE Globecom
2003 and Optical Communications, Networks, and Systems Symposium at IEEE Globecom
2004. His main research interests are Optical Networks design, analysis, and
optimization; Artificial Intelligence
optimization techniques; Communication Networks resilience; IP over WDM networking;
QoS in Grid networking. In particular he is actively participating, as member
of CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for elecommunications), to the
Grid.it project.
TRACK 2: Tutorial 3 (Half
Day - afternoon)
Internet Infrastructure Security
Dr. G. Manimaran
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
ABSTRACT:The Internet has witnessed an enormous growth over the last
decade and has become ubiquitous. Most of the research focus
in the past has been on improving the performance and scalability
of the Internet. The issue of securing the Internet has become
a central issue now due to a series of attacks that shut down
some of the world's most high profile Web sites, including
Amazon and Yahoo. Several such attacks are reported in CERT
advisories. Moreover, the growing concerns for cyber terrorism
have made the government and researchers to realize the importance
of Internet security. Securing the Internet, like any other
fields of computers, is based on the principle of confidentiality
and integrity. Confidentiality indicates that all data
send by senders should be accessible to only legitimate receivers,
and integrity indicates that the data received should only
be sent/modified by legitimate senders. This principle
exists in every field, but the presence of packet sniffers,
malicious routers, covert channels, eavesdroppers, denial-of-service
(DoS) in the Internet makes this extremely important problem
quite challenging.
The past several years have seen a surge of Internet security
research in the field of information assurance, which
primarily focused on protecting the data using techniques such
as authentication and encryption. However, information assurance
assumes that the devices responsible for encrypting, forwarding
and sending are trustworthy. Researchers are now questioning
these assumptions, as instances have taken place where the
network infrastructure (e.g., routers, servers) are compromised
to the advantage of the malicious adversaries. Therefore, Internet
infrastructure security is the need of the hour.
Dr. G. Manimaran is an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University,
since January 1999. He received his Ph.D degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from IIT Madras, India, in 1998. His
research expertise are in the areas of Trusted Internet encompassing
QoS, infrastructure security, reliability focusing on routing,
multicasting, and DDoS issues; and resource management in real-time
systems. He has co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed research
papers in international journals and conferences/workshops,
of which two conference/workshop papers received the best paper
awards. He is a co-author of the text Resource management
in real-time systems and networks, MIT Press, 2001. He
has served as guest co-editor for for the IEEE Network special
issue on Multicasting: An enabling technology, Jan/Feb
2003, Journal of High Speed Networks special issue on Trusted
Internet, 2004, Journal of Systems and Software special
issue on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems,
2004. He is a founding co-chair of the Trusted Internet Workshop
held in conjunction with HiPC. He has served as a member of
technical program committee and session chair in several IEEE
conferences. He is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer and
Communication Societies, and ACM. http://www.ee.iastate.edu/~
3: Tutorial 4 (Full Day)
High-Speed networking: A Systematic Approach to High Bandwith Low-Latency
Dr. J. Sterbenz
ABSTRACT: This tutorial presents a comprehensive introduction to all aspects
of high-speed networking, based on the book High-Speed Networking: A
Systematic Approach to High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Communication, James P.G. Sterbenz
and Joseph D. Touch, John Wiley, 2001. The target audience includes computer
scientists and engineers who may have expertise in a narrow aspect of high-speed
networking (such as switch design), but want to gain a broader understanding
of all aspects of high-speed networking and the impact that their designs
have on overall network performance. This tutorial is not about any particular
protocols and standards, but is rather a systemic and systematic approach
to the principles that guide the research and design of high-speed networks,
protocols, and applications.
The network is a complex system of systems, and high-speed networking does
not result from the design of individual components or protocols in isolation.
Thus, this tutorial presents a systemic approach to high-speed networks,
where the goal is to provide high bandwidth and low latency to distributed
applications, and to deal with the high bandwidth-x-delay product that
results from high-speed networking over long distances. A set of fundamental
axioms is presented (Know the past present and future, Application primacy,
High-performance paths, Limiting constraints, and Systemic optimisation),
followed by the major topics:
* Network architecture and topology
* Network control and signalling
* Communication links
* Switches and routers
* End systems
* End-to-end protocols
* Networked applications
A set of design principles are defined and applied to each of the topics:
1. Selective optimisation
2. Resource tradeoffs
3. End-to-end arguments
4. Protocol layering
5. State management
6. Control mechanism latency
7. Distributed data
8. Protocol data unit structure
A set of design techniques (scaling time and space, masking the speed of
light, specialised hardware implementation, parallelism and pipelining,
data structure optimisation, cut-through and remapping) are introduced
and applied as appropriate.
Dr. James P.G. Sterbenz is a Visiting Research Scientist in the Computer
Networks Research Group at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst ,
and a Visiting Professor in Computing at Lancaster University, UK. He
has been PI for several DARPA and NASA funded research programs in
areas of survivable, disruption-tolerant, mobile, wireless, and active
networking, and TCP and Web performance. He has previously held senior
research staff and management positions at BBN Technologies, GTE Laboratories,
and IBM, and holds a D.Sc. in Computer Science from Washington University
in St. Louis. He is program co-chair for IEEE Hot Interconnects 2004,
and was program co-chair of IWAN 2003, 2002, and PfHSN'99. He is past
of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Gigabit Networking,
chair of the IFIP Protocols for High Speed Networks Steering Committee,
member of the IFIP Active Networks steering committee, senior member
of the IEEE, member of the ACM, IEE (UK), IEICE (Japan), the Internet
Interplanetary Special Interest Group, and on the editorial board of
IEEE Network. He is author of the book High-Speed Networking: A Systematic
Approach to High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Communication.
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