
Generous Benefits as a
Hot Interconnects Volunteer!
Hot Interconnects needs
and would greatly appreciate your help again this year.
Volunteers are needed for the dates, times, and duties
listed below. Due to an overwhelming response and budget
restraints we must limit the total number of volunteers
to 10 individuals. Priority to those who can volunteer
full time. But don't let this discourage you. Additionally,
the Wednesday night dinner reception is not included.
A meal ticket can be purchased either during registration
or on-site with Visa, MC, personal check, or cash.
The benefits are generous in comparison to the effort necessary. And
it's a lot of fun! Hot Interconnects is organized, conducted and executed
almost solely through volunteer efforts. We look forward to potentially
working with you!
Free shirt with Hot Staff logo! (for those that
sign up atleast 4 weeks prior to conference)
Free conference attendance
Free coffee, breakfast, and lunch while working as a volunteer
Free copy of Proceedings and/or Tutorials
Free attendee give-away
Free Parking
Great networking opportunity!
5+ Volunteers needed per day
Initial Setup: 7am - 9am need 4 Volunteers
2 volunteers in Galvez parking lot to direct attendees to Marguerite Shuttle
2 volunteers for:
- Collate 100 attendee packets: proceedings, attendee giveaway, forms,
- Confirm upright parking signs and any other necessary signage
- Bring supplies and equipment to registration desk
- Assist with setup at registration desk
- Monitor breakfast/lunch/break area
Registration Desk: 7am - 4pm need 2 Volunteers
- Assist setting up supplies and equipment as needed
- Assist with registration and collating conference attendee packets
Lunch & Breaks: 1 or 2 volunteers each session
- Monitor and assist at lunch and/or break area
Breakfast: 7:15 - 8:30am 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
2 volunteers to monitor Lecture Hall doors
1st break: 9:30 -10:30am 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
2 volunteers to monitor Lecture Hall doors
Lunch: 11:45 - 1:30pm 2 volunteers to monitor & badge attendees
2 volunteers to monitor Lecture Hall doors
2nd break: 3:15 - 3:30pm 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
2 volunteers to monitor Lecture Hall doors
Dinner: 4:45 - 6:30pm 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor & badge attendees
Panel Discussion - Wed 6:30 - 8:00pm 2 volunteers to pass microphones
Panel Discussion - Thur 1:30 - 3:00pm 2 volunteers to pass microphones
Tear Down: 4pm - 5pm
- Take supplies and equipment from registration desk to storage room
FRIDAY (Tutorials
5 Volunteers needed
Setup: 7am - 9am
- Check/upright parking signs
- Bring supplies and equipment to registration desk
- Assist with setup registration desk
- Setup Tutorial directional signage
- Provide Tutorial directional assistance
(NEW) - 1 or 2 persons at Galvez parking to direct attendees to Marguerite
Registration Desk: 7am - 2pm 2 Volunteers
- Assist with registration and collating tutorial attendee packets as needed
Lunch & Breaks: 1 or 2 volunteers each session
- Monitor and assist lunch and/or break area
Breakfast: 7:00 - 8:30am 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
AM break: 9:30 -10:30am 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
Lunch: 11:45 - 1:30pm 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
Panel Discussion 1:30 - 3:00pm 2 volunteers to pass around microphones
PM break: 2:45 - 3:30pm 1 or 2 volunteers to monitor
Tutorial Monitors: 7am - 8am 3 Volunteers
- Registation desk - Ticket collection in exchange for tutorial notes
Tutorial Monitors: 12:30pm-1:30pm 3 Volunteers
- Ticket collection for tutorial notes
Final Tear Down: 2pm - 5pm 1 or 2 Volunteers
- Take supplies and equipment from registration desk to storage room
- Pickup all parking and directional signage
- Packup supplies and equipment in storage room
- Take supplies and equipment to storage locker in Mountain View
For additional
information please write to our Hot Interconnects
Local Arrangements Chair, Liz Rogers liz@lizrogers.com .
Thank you.
name or
company name
listed here