Become an IEEE Hot Interconnects Patron! |
IEEE Hot Interconnects Patrons receive immeasurably valuable visibility in numerous conference announcements, in the conference proceedings package, on the conference website with a IEEE Hot-linked logo, and at the conference site among its many influential attendees.
Four levels of patronage designed to increase participation and maximize exposure to the evolving interconnects industry. When you become a patron, we work to publicize your company’s name and/or logo in all aspects of the conference. Patron benefits include your company logo or name on our printed conference flyers and announcements that are distributed on university campuses across the globe. Email announcements sent monthly until conference time are received by more than 30,000 targeted professionals in the electronics industry through organizational affiliations in ACM, Computer Society, Communications Society, and academic relations announcing the program are directed to the IEEE website. To participate, please email or speak to any committee member to discuss your desired level of participation. Deadline for payment is August 15, 2010. Free conference attendance is included on all 4 levels of patronage. |
AMERICIUMLevel Patron | $10,000+ Donation A $10,000 or more donation provides for the maximum exposure and participation available to a patron of the conference. This negotiable level of patronage allows us to customize a program to best suit the needs of your company with the IEEE Hot Interconnects conference.
PLATINUMLevel Patron | $5,000 Donation The Platinum Patron provides the opportunity to become an active participant in the conference, with a table suitable for demos (with limited electricity) and use of wireless internet access if desired. A skirted table in conference coordinated colors and 2 chairs are provided to support your equipment. Limited electrical outlets are provided. AT THE CONFERENCE:
GOLDLevel Patron | $3,000 donation In addition to the level of exposure a patron receives in conference advertising around the globe, the Gold level receives additional posure at the conference site with your included print advertisement in the attendee package. The attendee package comes in a reusable bag which includes conference giveaway(s) and a printed/published copy of the conference proceedings.
SILVERLevel Patron | $1,000 donation Silver Patron is our entry level at $1,000 that provides global exposure in conference announcements and conference advertising in the industry and at university campuses around the world. (limited to privately-held startups, non-profit organizations, or public companies with annual revenues under $25M).
Tables will be picked up by event services at 3 pm on the last day of the conference. Table setup time is 7:00 - 7:30 am on both days. |
For additional information please send email to |