Tutorial 1 | FULL DAY
Using the Open Network Laboratory Washington University
Jonathan Turner
The Open Network Laboratory is a resource designed to enable experimental evaluation of advanced networking concepts in a realistic operating environment. The laboratory is built around a set of open-source, extensible, high performance routers, which can be accessed by remote users through a Remote Laboratory Interface (RLI). The RLI allows users to configure the testbed network, run applications and monitor those running applications using built-in data gathering mechanisms. Support for data visualization and real-time remote display is provided. The RLI also allows users to extend, modify or replace the software running in the routers' embedded processors and to similarly extend, modify or replace the routers' packet processing hardware, which is implemented largely using Field Programmable Gate Arrays. The routers included in the testbed are architecturally similar to high performance commercial routers, enabling researchers to evaluate their ideas in a much more realistic context than can be provided by PC-based routers. The Open Network Laboratory is designed to provide a setting in which systems researchers can evaluate and refine their ideas and then demonstrate them to those interested in moving their technology into new products and services. This tutorial will teach users how to use the ONL. It will include detailed presentations on the system architecture and principles of operation, as well as live demonstrations. We also plan to give participants an opportunity for hands-on experience with setting up and running experiments themselves.
Tutorial outline: (list of topics)
1. Overview
2. System Architecture
- core switch
- hardware packet processing
- embedded processor and plugin environment
3. Remote Laboratory Interface
- creating an ONL account
- creating network topology
- configuring routes and packet filters
- configuring plugins
- using traffic generators
- creating and running end-to-end applications
- monitoring network activity, data visualization tools
4. System Internals and Documentation
5. Hands-on experimentation
- opportunity for participants with laptops to access ONL remotely, create accounts and run simple experiments
Intended audience: networking researchers and graduate students
Speaker Biography
Jonathan S. Turner received the MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Northwestern University in 1979 and 1981. He holds the Henry Edwin Sever Chair of Engineering at Washington University, and is Director of the Applied Research Laboratory, which carries out advanced networking research and is concentrating on technologies for high performance, dynamically extensible networks.
He served as Chief Scientist for Growth Networks, a startup company that developed scalable switching components for Internet routers and ATM switches, before being acquired by by Cisco Systems in early 2000.
Professor Turner's primary research interest is the design and analysis of switching systems, with special interest in systems supporting multicast communication. His research interests also include the study of algorithms and computational complexity, with particular interest in the probable performance of heuristic algorithms for NP-complete problems.
Turner is a fellow of ACM and a fellow of the IEEE. He received the Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award from the IEEE in 1994 and the IEEE Millenium Medal in 2000. He has been awarded more than 20 patents for his work on switching systems and has many widely cited publications.
Quality of Service in Global Grid Computing
Luca Valcarenghi
Grid Computing, as recently defined by Foster in the July 22nd issue of "GridToday" (vol.1, no. 6), "... is a system that coordinates resources that are not subject to centralized control, using standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces to deliver nontrivial qualities of service".
Emerging high capacity intelligent grid transport network infrastructures, such optical transport networks based on Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching (GMPLS) and Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON)/Automatically Switched Transport Networks (ASTN), are fostering the expansion of grid computing from Local Area Networks (LAN) (i.e., cluster grid) to Wide Area Networks (WAN) (i.e., global grid).
However, while in LANs, grid computing applications exploit almost dedicated network resources, in Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs), resources are shared between different heterogeneous applications. Thus the need for guaranteeing Quality of Service to global grid computing applications appears of paramount importance.
This tutorial tries to address some of the issue related to the keywords present in Foster's grid computing definition. Specifically it tackles the problem of providing global grid computing applications with a network infrastructure able to guarantee Quality of Service. After reviewing the basics of grid computing, the tutorial will focus on specific network infrastructure issues. Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as throughput, delay, and resilience will be considered. It will be shown how the integration of the grid programming environment with an intelligent grid network infrastructure will allow to dynamically adapt the utilized computational and network resources to meet the application QoS requirements transparently to the user. Finally the performance evaluation of a specific implementation of an integrated application and network layer resilience scheme will be presented.
1. Grid Computing Overview
Grid Computing Building Blocks
Open Grid Service Architecture
Web services, OGSI, and WS-RF
Grid Network Services
From Local to Global Grid Computing
QoS Support for Global Grid Computing
The Global Grid Forum and its interaction with other standardization bodies(e.g. IETF, OIF, ITU-T)
2. QoS in Grid Computing Network Infrastructures
QoS and Next Generation Network Infrastructures
- Next Generation Network Data, Control, and Management Planes
QoS parameters
- Throughput
- Delay
- Resilience
QoS in IP/MPLS over Next Generation Optical Networks with GMPLS Control Plane
- QoS in IP
- QoS in (G)MPLS
- QoS in Optical Layer
Issues in guaranteeing QoS in Global Grid Computing
- Multi-domain issues
3. Integrating Grid Computing Programming Environment and Next Generation Optical Networks
Interaction between Generic Purpose Grid Services and Grid Network Services
Network Aware Programming Environment in the Grid.it Project
Grid Network Service Implementation
- Network Information and Monitoring Service
- Network Cost Estimation Service
- Connectivity Service
Network Aware Programming Environment Performance Evaluation Theory
- Resource provisioning
- Failure Recovery
- Mixed Integer Programming formulation
Integrating Grid Computing and Next Generation Optical Network Resilience
- Fault types
- Fault recovery strategies
Integrated Application Layer and Network Layer Failure Recovery for multimedia streaming
Speaker Biography
Luca Valcarenghi holds a Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering (1997) from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering (1999), and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Telecommunications (2001) both from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). Between January 2002 and August 2002 he was Research Associate of the Optical Networking Advanced Research (OpNeAR) Lab of the University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School of EE/CS. Since September 2002 he is Assistant Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of University Studies and Doctoral Research of Pisa, Italy. Dr. Valcarenghi co-authored more than two dozen papers published in international journals and presented in leading international conferences. He is member of the IEEE and he has been part of the Organizing Committee and Technical Program Committee of international conferences such as OptiComm2000, Optical Networking and Systems Symposium at IEEE Globecom 2003, and Optical Communication Networks and Systems Symposium at IEEE Globecom 2004. His main research interests are Optical Networks design, analysis, and optimization; Artificial Intelligence optimization techniques; Communication Networks reliability; IP over WDM networking; QoS in network infrastructures for Grid computing. In particular he is actively participating, as member of CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), to the Grid.it project.
Internet Infrastructure Security
G. Manimaran & Al-Duwairi Basheer
The goal of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the state-of-the-art research and practice in Internet infrastructure security, to its audience. The tutorial is divided into four modules as given below. In addition to discussions on attacks and counter-measures, issues such as performance, scalability, deployability, and high speed implementations will also be discussed. The tutorial outline is as follows:
1. A Taxonomy of Internet Infrastructure Attacks (duration: 1.5 hours)
Functional and Attack view of Internet.
DNS attacks, Routing attacks, DoS/DDoS attacks, WORMS.
High speed packet inspection techniques.
2. DoS/DDoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms (duration: 1.5 hours)
Attack types - Direct, Reflector, QoS, and low-rate TCP based DoS attacks.
Prevention schemes - ingress-based, network-based, and egress-based packet filtering techniques, and lightweight authentication schemes.
Mitigation schemes - location hiding and victim-assisted mitigation techniques.
Traceback schemes - packet marking and logging, tra ffi c engineering, and hybrid schemes.
High speed implementations of counter-measures.
Speaker Biography
G. Manimaran is an Assistant Professor (Associate Professor starting fall 2005) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University, since January 1999. He received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Madras, India, in 1998. His research expertise are in the areas of Trusted Internet encompassing QoS, infrastructure security, and fault-tolerance focusing on routing, multicasting, and DDoS issues; and resource management in real-time systems. He has co-authored about 100 peer-reviewed research publications, of which two conference/workshop papers received the best paper awards. He is a co-author of the text "Resource management in real-time systems and networks," MIT Press, 2001. He has served as guest co-editor for for the IEEE Network special issue on "Multicasting: An enabling technology," Jan/Feb 2003, Journal of High Speed Networks special issue on "Trusted Internet," 2005, Journal of Systems and Software special issue on "Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems," 2005. He is a founding co-chair of the Trusted Internet Workshop (TIW) held in conjunction with HiPC. He has given tutorials at reputed conferences, served as a member of technical program committee and session chair in many IEEE conferences. He is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer and Communication Societies, and ACM. http://www.ee.iastate.edu/~ gmani.
Basheer Al-Duwairi received his M.S and Ph.D degrees in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University in spring 2002 and spring 2005, respectively. Prior to this, he received his B.S degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) Irbid, Jordan in 1999. The focus of his Ph.D work is in designing and analyzing practical schemes for mitigating and tracing-back DDoS attacks in the Internet. He has co-authored several research papers in these field. His research interests are in the areas of Internet security and real-time systems. He is student member of the IEEE.
High-Speed networking: A Systematic Approach to High Bandwith Low-Latency Communications
Dr. J. Sterbenz
This tutorial presents a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of high-speed networking, based on the book High-Speed Networking: A Systematic Approach to High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Communication, James P.G. Sterbenz and Joseph D. Touch, John Wiley, 2001. The target audience includes computer scientists and engineers who may have expertise in a narrow aspect of high-speed networking (such as switch design), but want to gain a broader understanding of all aspects of high-speed networking and the impact that their designs have on overall network performance. This tutorial is not about any particular protocols and standards, but is rather a systemic and systematic approach to the principles that guide the research and design of high-speed networks, protocols, and applications.
The network is a complex system of systems, and high-speed networking does not result from the design of individual components or protocols in isolation. Thus, this tutorial presents a systemic approach to high-speed networks, where the goal is to provide high bandwidth and low latency to distributed applications, and to deal with the high bandwidth-x-delay product that results from high-speed networking over long distances. A set of fundamental axioms is presented (Know the past present and future, Application primacy, High-performance paths, Limiting constraints, and Systemic optimisation), followed by the major topics:
Network architecture and topology
Network control and signalling
Communication links
Switches and routers
End systems
End-to-end protocols
Networked applications
A set of design principles are defined and applied to each of the topics:
1. Selective optimisation
2. Resource tradeoffs
3. End-to-end arguments
4. Protocol layering
5. State management
6. Control mechanism latency
7. Distributed data
8. Protocol data unit structure
A set of design techniques (scaling time and space, masking the speed of light, specialised hardware implementation, parallelism and pipelining, data structure optimisation, cut-through and remapping) are introduced and applied as appropriate.
Speaker Biography
Dr. James P.G. Sterbenz is a Visiting Research Scientist in the Computer Networks Research Group at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst , and a Visiting Professor in Computing at Lancaster University, UK. He has been PI for several DARPA and NASA funded research programs in the areas of survivable, disruption-tolerant, mobile, wireless, and active networking, and TCP and Web performance. He has previously held senior research staff and management positions at BBN Technologies, GTE Laboratories, and IBM, and holds a D.Sc. in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. He is program co-chair for IEEE Hot Interconnects 2004, and was program co-chair of IWAN 2003, 2002, and PfHSN'99. He is past chair of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Gigabit Networking, chair of the IFIP Protocols for High Speed Networks Steering Committee, member of the IFIP Active Networks steering committee, senior member of the IEEE, member of the ACM, IEE (UK), IEICE (Japan), the Internet Society Interplanetary Special Interest Group, and on the editorial board of IEEE Network. He is author of the book High-Speed Networking: A Systematic Approach to High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Communication.